“For over 20 years, Michele Tuggle, MPrint Studios, has created the Auburn Home Shows’ graphic needs;
billboard art, logos, magazine and newspaper ads, flyers and so much more. She is comfortable and knowledgeable with
specifications of a wide variety of advertising media. Her work is creative and timely and seems to anticipate
our needs with limited direction or instruction. She has never missed a deadline.”
Lani Johnston Horan, Owner Auburn Home Shows
“Michele at MPrint Studios is the cornerstone to our marketing plan. She provides incredible design work for our print marketing,
online marketing and even in store design and special events. She has worked diligently to understand every
aspect of both the jewelry business as well as who my partner and I are. She designs our marketing to reflect us
and our business while sharing our marketing mission in a beautiful and effective way.
Even when we aren’t sure of what we’re looking for, Michele always does! “
Peggy Seitzinger, Co-Owner Roper’s Jeweler’s